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Lately, the Greek island of Ikaria has been getting a lot of press as being in one of the corners of the world where its inhabitants experience a long life span. Experts who have analyzed the inhabitants and the way they live understand that it is a variety of favors that contribute to this life span, including the foods that they eat and the beverages that they drink.

In particular, wine is considered one of the “secrets” to the longevity of the island. People drink it on a regular basis, and it is often even included as part of a traditional breakfast. People often dip bits of bread into wine to give it some flavor. Visitors can enjoy the wine as well. Here’s more information on how they can do that:

Getting to Ikaria

Although Ikaria is an island that is tucked a little out of the way, there are still several ways to get there. There is a regional airport on the island and it is located on the southeastern part of the island. Depending on where you stay on the island and what you plan to do, you might want to rent a car once you arrive. It is also possible to take a ferry here from several places in Greece. Depending on where you’re starting your trip, you’ll want to check the ferry schedule to find the itinerary that makes the most sense.

Tour Different Wineries

In order to enjoy the wines on Ikaria, you have the choice of touring the wineries yourself. Depending on the winery, you might want to call the place in advance before going to make sure they are open and possibly make a reservation. Here’s a list of wineries you should visit:

  • Afianes Wines. This winery is run by a father and son team and is one of the most popular places to visit in Ikaria.
  • Karamalis Winery. The wines here are certified organic and the winery itself is located in a pretty part of the island.

These two wineries are amongst the most popular on the island, but there are certainly a lot more. You can ask at your hotel for more advice as to where to go.

Take an Established Wine Tour

While on the island, it is also possible to take an established wine tour so that you can visit all the great wineries in Ikaria at the same time. These tours could offer a comprehensive experience headed by locals who know where the great wines are. Many of them are so small, they may not be advertising.

The island of Ikaria is known for the longevity of the people who live there, and the wine that is made on the island is definitely part of it. Even if you plan to do other things while on the island, you’ll want to take some time to enjoy at least one of these wine experiences. Besides touring wineries and taking a tour, be sure to enjoy the local wines with your meals!

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