While visiting Greece, you no doubt want to see all the sites. However, Greece is about more than just visiting beaches, browsing through museums, and spending time at the country’s historical sites. It is a good idea to take in the Greek culture while you’re here.
There’s no better place to do that than to attend a bouzouki concert rich with traditional Greek music! These nights are right in culture and you will have the opportunity to eat delicious Greek food (many of these concerts are held at restaurants and tavernas ), listen to some traditional music, and even participate in traditional Greek dancing.
Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your time at a traditional bouzouki concert:
Buy Tickets in Advance
In order to reserve your seat or table, you will want to buy your tickets before you head to the concert. How did you find out about the concert? If you are planning to attend based on a flyer that you found, you’ll want to call the number on the flier to buy tickets or make your reservation. These concerts fill up fast so reserving your seat before you go will ensure that you not only have a guaranteed spot, but you may also get your table of choice!
Greek Concerts Begin Late
You know you are attending the real thing if the concert gets started late at night! For example, it is not uncommon for the flyer to indicate that the concert begins at 10 PM, or 22:00 since the country follows military time. However, the headlining act usually won’t get started then – they usually don’t get started until after midnight for concerts on that schedule. If you do arrive on time, remember that you likely will be waiting around for a long time before the main act comes on. In fact, the main act doesn’t usually get started until 1:30 or 2:30 AM.
Eat Before the Concert
Although many concert venues do have food, since it gets started so late in the evening, you’ll want to make sure you eat something before you leave. For late night concerts, alcohol might be served with some mezethes. However, you shouldn’t plan on making this food your dinner. It is especially important to eat if you plan to order a lot of drinks or may be participating in bottle service.
There Will Likely Be Smoking
Yes it’s true – Greek people smoke! Chances are pretty good that there will be smoking inside the concert venue. If the smell of second hand smoke bothers you, you should consider waiting for an outdoor concert. Although many have tried to get the Greeks to stop smoking indoors, these rules aren’t always enforced.
While in Greece, you might want to consider attending a traditional Greek music concert!