Kalavrita is a Greek town in the mountainous region of Achaea. The town is located on the bank of the river Vouraikos. Kalavrita is home to a ski center as well as a cave system that is full of rock formations and lakes.
Kalavrita, Greece has a dry period that goes from June to August. The wettest month in the town is typically December. January is the coldest month and July and August are the warmest.
This weather forecast in Kalavrita, Greece, will vary from year to year. The averages that you see below represent historical weather data. Here is the typical weather forecast throughout the year for Kalavrita, Greece:
- Temperature: 42.8° F (6° C) – 57.2° F (14° C)
- Precipitation: 93 mm
- Climate: 14 days of rain on average, 133 hours of sunshine, water temperature 60.8° F (16° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 84%
- Temperature: 42.8° F (6° C) – 57.2° F (14° C)
- Precipitation: 91 mm
- Climate: 11 days of rain on average, 136 hours of sunshine, water temperature 59° F (15° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 81%
- Temperature: 44.6° F (7° C) – 62.6° F (17° C)
- Precipitation: 62 mm
- Climate: 11 days of rain on average, 182 hours of sunshine, water temperature 59° F (15° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 76%
- Temperature: 50° F (10° C) – 66.2° F (19° C)
- Precipitation: 46 mm
- Climate: 8 days of rain on average, 233 hours of sunshine, water temperature 60.8° F (16° C), comfortable, 80% clear
- Humidity: 69%
- Temperature: 57.2° F (14° C) – 75.2° F (24° C)
- Precipitation: 28 mm
- Climate: 6 days of rain on average, 286 hours of sunshine, water temperature 66.2° F (19° C), comfortable/warm, 85% clear
- Humidity: 64%
- Temperature: 62.6° F (17° C) – 80.6° F (27° C)
- Precipitation: 9 mm
- Climate: 3 days of rain on average, 295 hours of sunshine, water temperature 71.6° F (22° C), warm/hot, 20% muggy, 98% clear, beach/pool score 8
- Humidity: 60%
- Temperature: 66.2° F (19° C) – 84.2° F (29° C)
- Precipitation: 6 mm
- Climate: 1 day of rain on average, 358 hours of sunshine, water temperature 75.2° F (24° C), hot, 40% muggy, 98% clear, beach/pool score 8.9
- Humidity: 53%
- Temperature: 66.2° F (19° C) – 86° F (30° C)
- Precipitation: 5 mm
- Climate: 1 day of rain on average, 338 hours of sunshine, water temperature 78.8° F (26° C), hot, 43% muggy, 98% clear, beach/pool score 8.9
- Humidity: 51%
- Temperature: 62.6° F (17° C) – 80.6° F (27° C)
- Precipitation: 23 mm
- Climate: 4 days of rain on average, 281 hours of sunshine, water temperature 73.4° F (23° C), warm, 20% muggy, 80% clear, beach/pool score 8
- Humidity: 62%
- Temperature: 55.4° F (13° C) – 73.4° F (23° C)
- Precipitation: 75 mm
- Climate: 8 days of rain on average, 219 hours of sunshine, water temperature 71.6° F (22° C), warm/comfortable, slightly muggy, 50% clear, beach/pool score 5
- Humidity: 72%
- Temperature: 50° F (10° C) – 66.2° F (19° C)
- Precipitation: 118 mm
- Climate: 11 days of rain on average, 156 hours of sunshine, water temperature 68° F (20° C), comfortable/cool, dry air, 50% clear
- Humidity: 79%
- Temperature: 44.6° F (7° C) – 59° F (15° C)
- Precipitation: 122 mm
- Climate: 14 days of rain on average, 108 hours of sunshine, water temperature 64.4° F (18° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 82%
From the dry summer months to the cold and wet winter one, Kalavrita has conditions to suit any visitor.
Find the current weather forecast for Corfu, Greece here:
Accuweather – Kalavrita, Greece Weather Forecast
Weather.com – Kalavrita, Greece Weather Forecast