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The saints are definitely have an important place in the history of the Orthodox Church. Not only that, but they are part of our every day lives, especially if we are named after them. It is customary to keep an icon of the saint you were named after in your home with the rest of the household’s icons, and those who are named after the saints will celebrate their name days on the saints’ feast days.

Saint Varys is one of these saints, and his feast day is on October 19th of each year. Here’s more information about him:

About Saint Varys

Saint Varys, also known as Varys the Martyr, is one of the early saints of the Orthodox Christian church. He was alive during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximillian, and this was during a time when Christians were regularly persecuted. Although he was a Christian, he was also in service of the Emperor as a soldier. While in Egypt, he would regularly visit Christians who were imprisoned for their beliefs and he would give them comfort. Word started to spread that he was a Christian even though he was in service of the Emperor, who was a pagan.

Varys eventually lost his life in 304 for his beliefs, thus making him a martyr. The events that led to his arrest, torture, and death had to do with the fact that he visiting seven Christian monks in prison. One of them died from the torture they endured while in prison. Varys quickly stepped in for the monks and accepted the torture for them. When the governor found out, he beat Varys to death.

Hymns of Saint Varys

Saint Varys’s feast day is on October 19th, and there are some hymns that are sung or chanted during this day to honor him. Here’s more information:

Apolytikion of Martyr Varys – Fourth Tone

Thy Martyr, O Lord, in his courageous contest for Thee received the prize of the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since he possessed Thy strength, he cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons’ strengthless presumption. O Christ God, by his prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.

Kontakion of Martyr Varys – Third Tone

Since thou hadst put on thyself thy Master’s Cross as a breastplate, thou didst blunt and bring to nought the tyrants’ wicked devices. Thou didst bear most savage tortures upon thy body; valiantly didst thou then finish thy godly contest. Hence from God, O noble Varys, thou wast adorned in a crown august and divine.

Saint Varys is one of the early saints of the Orthodox Christian Church. His feast day is on October 19th. Check the Name Day page for more information about other Orthodox Christian name days.


Varys the Martyr

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