It’s true that the saints are an important part of the history of the Orthodox Church. We celebrate and learn about the saints throughout the year and each saint has his or her name day. Christians who are named after a particular saint will celebrate their name day on the feast day.
Saint Philip is one of the saints of the Orthodox Church whose lives we celebrate throughout the year. His feast day is on October 11th of each year. He was one of the Seventy Apostles, which means that we also honor him on January 4th of each year with the rest of the Seventy. Here’s more information about him:
About Saint Philip
Saint Philip, also known as Apostle Philip or Apostle Philip of the Seventy, is an early saint of the Orthodox Christian Church. He is also referred to as the holy, glorious, all-laudable Apostle Philip (of the Seventy). He was also one of the original Seven Deacons. He was born in Palestine, which is also where Nazareth was located, which is where Jesus was from.
The Twelve Apostles made Saint Philip a deacon of the Church of Jerusalem. At the same time, they also made six other people deacons of that church. This event took place shortly after the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Philip was charged with taking care of the offerings that were given to the church as well the concerns of those who were widowed, orphaned, or who were poor and in need.
After Stephen, one of the other deacons, was stoned to death, Philip moved to Samaria where he served the church. He ended up living a long life and died well into his old age. He didn’t suffer a martyr’s death like many of his contemporaries.
Hymns of Saint Philip
Saint Philip’s feast day is held on October 11th of each year. There are also hymns that are sung on January 4th during the feast day for the Seventy Apostles. Here are the hymns that are sung on Saint Philip’s feast Day day:
Troparion (Tone 4)
- The universe is adorned and Ethiopia rejoices,
- For she is enlightened by you and adorned by your crown.
- O most eloquent Philip she brightly celebrates your memory.
- You accomplished a course worthy of the Gospel,
- For you taught all to believe in Christ.
- Wherefore Ethiopia extends her arms to God,
- Pray to Him, O Philip, that He will grant us great mercy.
Kontakion (Tone 4)
- Inspired by the Holy Spirit
- You enlightened the whole world with your teachings
- And the splendor of your miracles
- O Apostle Philip, contemplator of Divine Truths.
Saint Philip, who is more commonly referred to as Apostle Philip of the Seventy, is one of the early saints of Orthodox Christianity who was tasked with establishing the early church. Check the Name Day page for more information about other Orthodox Christian name days.