Learning about the saints is a big part of being an Orthodox Christian. Not only that, but it is also part of the culture outside of church. People are regularly named after the saints and in Greece especially, it is customary to give their name days a greater importance than their own birthdays! Being named after a saint is considered to be something to truly honor.
Saint Peter is one of the early saints in the Orthodox Church. In fact, he is not only one of the Twelve Apostles, but he was also looked at as the leader of the Apostles. His nam day is celebrated each year on June 29th, which is also the same day that we celebrate the Apostle Paul. The two were known to have had a close relationship. Here’s more information:
About Saint Peter
Saint Peter, also referred to as the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostle Peter, was actually originally named Simon. Sometimes he is referred to as Simon Peter, Saint Simon, Saint Simeon, or even Saint Simon Peter. He was originally from Bethsaida, which was in Galilee. He was the brother of Andrew, who was also one of the Apostles and is known for being the first that Jesus called into his life to be an Apostle.
When the Twelve Apostles were first formed as a group, Peter became their leader. Over time, Paul replaced Peter as the group’s leader. However, the two had a close bond. When Paul began following Christ after he had spent his life persecuting Christians, it was Peter who initially accepted him into the group. Eventually the rest of the Apostles grew to trust him.
Hymns of Saint Peter
Saint Peter’s feast day is on June 29th of each year. Here are the hymns that are either sung or chanted during the church service that takes place during his feast day.
Troparion (Tone 4)
- First-enthroned of the apostles,
- teachers of the universe:
- Entreat the Master of all
- to grant peace to the world,
- and to our souls great mercy!
Kontakion (Tone 2)
- O Lord, You have taken up to eternal rest
- and to the enjoyment of Your blessings
- the two divinely-inspired preachers, the leaders of the Apostles,
- for You have accepted their labors and deaths as a sweet-smelling sacrifice,
- for You alone know what lies in the hearts of men.
Kontakion (Tone 2)
- Today Christ the Rock glorifies with highest honor
- The rock of Faith and leader of the Apostles,
- Together with Paul and the company of the twelve,
- Whose memory we celebrate with eagerness of faith,
- Giving glory to the one who gave glory to them!
Saint Peter is one of the early saints of the Orthodox Christian Church. Check the Name Day page for more information about other Orthodox Christian name days.