When it comes to Orthodox Christianity, there are plenty of saints whose lives have been important to the history of the church. Many of these people made contributions in their own ways and a lot of them also died as martyrs honoring their faith. There was a time, especially in the days of the Roman Empire, where Christians were regularly persecuted.
Epimachus is one of of those saints and he was also martyred. His feast day is on October 31st of each year. Here’s more information about him:
About Saint Epimachus
Not much is actually known about Epimachus and his life. We do know that he was born in Egypt sometime in the early 200’s. We are not actually sure if he was born a Christian or if he converted, and also not much is known about his family and personal life.
We do know that he was an ascetic who lived on Mount Pelusium. At some point after that, he came to Alexandria while the ruler, Decius, was in power. He persecuted a lot of Christians while he was emperor. After Epimachus arrived in Alexandria, he was arrested by Apellianus the Governor. He became a martyr in 251 AD.
Hymns of Saint Epimachus
Saint Epimachus feast day is on October 31st. Here are the hymns that are sung or chanted on this day:
Apolytikion of Epimachus of Alexandria – Fourth Tone
Thy Martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee received as the prize the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since they possessed Thy strength, they cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons’ strengthless presumption. O Christ God, by their prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.
Kontakion of Epimachus of Alexandria – Third Tone
Of thine own accord didst thou go to contend for the right Faith, and thou, O Epimachus, didst bravely cry to the lawless: I am come to strive in contest for truth eternal and to mock the graven images of perdition. And when thou hadst been beheaded, thou wast arrayed in a crown of glory and life.
Saint Epimachus one of the early saints of the Orthodox Christian Church. His feast day is on May 31st of each year. Those who have been named after Epimachus would celebrate their name day on the his feast day. Check the Name Day page for more information about other Orthodox Christian name days.