The saints are an important part of the Orthodox Church. They were an essential part of the history of the church and we celebrate their lives throughout the year. Each of the saints has their own feast days and there are even people who are named after the saints. Those who are will celebrate their name days on the feast day:
About Saint Barbara
Saint Barbara, also known as the Barbara the Great Martyr, was alive during a time when Christians were commonly persecuted by the Roman Empire. She came from a place called Heliopolis, which at the time was in Phoenicia while Maximian was the emperor.
Her father’s name was Dioscorus, which was a well known idolator. Because of this, she had to practice her Christianity somewhat in secret because her family didn’t share her beliefs. Barbara believed in the Holy Trinity and practiced her Christian faith in private, without letting her family know.
However, her family did eventually find out. She gave away her beliefs because she had construction workers add a third window in the house against the father’s wishes, and she inscribed a cross near it. When her father returned, he noticed and asked her why. She didn’t lie to him. She became a martyr in the year 290, losing her life from beheading. Dioscorus, her father, did the act himself.
Hymns of Saint Barbara
Saint Barbara’s feast day is on December 4th. Here are the hymns that are either chanted in the Byzantine style or sung during this feast day.
Apolytikion of Great Martyr Barbara – Fourth Tone
Let us honor the holy Barbara for, with the aid of the Cross as her weapon, she crushed the snares of the enemy, and was rescued from them like a bird.
Kontakion of Great Martyr Barbara – Fourth Tone
O noble Champion, following God who is reverently praised in Trinity, you abandoned the temples of idols. Struggling amid suffering, O Barbara, you were not overwhelmed by the threats of the tyrants, O brave One, even singing aloud, “I worship the Trinity, the one Godhead.”
Saint Barbara one of the early saints of the Orthodox Christian Church. Her feast day is on December 4th of each year. Check the Name Day page for more information about other Orthodox Christian name days.