If you plan on traveling to Greece, you should learn certain basics so that you can have a pleasant time on your trip. It will be fun to brush up on your Greek so that you can practice while you’re there! Even if you don’t have a desire to learn a lot about the language, you will still need to at least have a minimal knowledge. There are some words in Greek, however, that you will probably need to understand, but you might not even realize it yet. Knowing how to say the Greek words for these personal details is one of those tasks.
Why Learn the Personal Details?
Whenever you travel to Greece, you inevitably will need to fill out forms. Depending on where in Greece you are, these forms may not have an English translation. Rather than struggle with this task, it can help to at least have exposure to the Greek words before you travel to the country! This is much easier than looking them up in a dictionary or asking someone who knows both English and Greek to explain what the words mean. In other words, you won’t realize you need them until you’re in the middle of a difficult situation.
How to Say the Greek Words for These Personal Details
- First Name – όνομα – onoma
- Last Name – επώνυμο – eponimo
- Initials – αρχικά – arhika
- Address – διεύθυνση – dievthinsi
- Zip Code – ταχυδρομικός κώδικας – tahidromikos
- Sex (Male or Female) – φύλο (αρσενικό ή θηλυκό) – filo (aseniko i thiliko)
- Date of Birth – ημερομηνία γεννήσεως – imerominia yeniseos
- Place of Birth – τόπος γέννησης – tops tennis’s
- Occupation – κατοχή – katohi
- Marital Status – οικογενειακή κατάσταση – ikoyeniaki katastasi
- Identification Number – αριθμός αναγνώρισης – arithmos anagorisis
- Date of Issue – ημερομηνία έκδοσης – imerominia ekdosis
As with learning any language, you don’t need to spend too much time memorizing these words. It is simply enough to have exposure to them. Read the above list over a few times and then if you don’t want to study the list anymore, you don’t need to worry about it – as long as you know where to find the information again if you need it.
The Learn Greek section on GreekBoston.com was written by Greeks to help people understand the conversational basics of the Greek language. This article is not a substitute for a professional Greek learning program, but a helpful resource for people wanting to learn simple communication in Greek.