You’ve decided that it is finally time to meet a fellow Greek to share your life with. Now what? Well, you simply have to go where the single Greeks are, talk to them, and see if they have what it takes to be a potential romantic partner. At times, however, this can be easier said than done. To make the process easier, here are some places you can go in order to meet Greek singles.
Meet Someone at Church
Do you go to a local Greek Orthodox Church? If so, this can be an excellent place to meet someone. After all, you already have something in common – your faith. Talk to people after church. Let people know that you are single by working that into conversations naturally (you wouldn’t want to appear desperate). Also be sure to attend any functions. People often bring guests or they may attend from other area Greek Churches.
Attend Local Greek Functions
Another great idea is to attend local Greek-related functions. For example, in the Boston area there are usually Greek Festivals every weekend throughout the summer. You can also attend Greek themed meet-ups, taverna nights, and other Greek inspired parties. Check with your area listings to find out what’s going on. Greek Boston (, for example, has an excellent roundup of all the local Greek Functions in the area.
Meet a Greek Online
In addition to using the larger dating sites like and, you can also utilize any Greek themed singles sites such as to meet Greek singles. Just remember that there is an art to online dating. Mostly, it requires that you represent yourself in a favorable light on your profile without being dishonest. Choose a great photograph and be sure to be honest about what you like in a person. The right person will be most likely to come along if you show her who you really are.
Get Fixed Up With a Greek
Are you open to getting fixed up? By letting people in your life know that you are only interested in connecting with fellow Greeks, you are letting them know that you are willing to let them fix you up. Sometimes, other people know you better than you know yourself and they just may have the perfect Greek in mind for you. Blind dates can either be a big success or a complete disaster. Just remember to keep an open mind.
If you are single and looking for a fellow Greek to share your life with, you need to do what it takes to meet the person of your dreams. It doesn’t matter what you do, however, it is important to live your life authentically. Just remember to be yourself. No matter if you meet someone online, get fixed up on a blind date, or meet someone at a local festival. Your goal is to find someone with whom you can share your life. That can’t happen unless you show your date who you really are as a person.