25 events found.
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GOYA Movie Night at Annunciation Of The Virgin Mary Greek Church Woburn MA
Annunciation of The Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church - Woburn, MA 70 Montvale Avenue , Woburn, MA, United StatesCreating an Orthodox Christian Young Adult Center Sts Constantine & Helen Greek Church Cambridge MA
Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church - Cambridge, MA 14 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesCalling all young adults! You are personally invited to help create a new Center for Orthodox Christian young adults in Boston and Cambridge! Come view the space at Saints Constantine […]
Valentine Flower Arranging Night at Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
Holy Apostles Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church 154-156 Winter Street, Haverhill, MA, United StatesFaith, Art and Symbolism Event at at Annunciation Greek Cathedral in Boston MA
Annunciation Cathedral of New England 514 Parker Street, Boston, MA, United StatesApokriatiko Luncheon at Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Church Somerville MA
Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church 29 Central Street, Somerville, MA, United StatesApokreatiko Philoptochos Pot Luck Luncheon at St. Demetrios Greek Church Fall River MA
Greek Orthodox St. Demetrios Church in Fall River MA 289 North Main Street, Fall River, MA, United StatesSouper Sunday Cook-Off at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Newburyport, MA
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - Newburyport, MA 7 Harris St , Newburyport, MA, United StatesPre-Lenten Dinner Event at St. Nectarios Greek Church of Roslindale MA
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church - Roslindale, MA 39 Belgrade Ave, Roslindale, MA, United StatesYoung Adult Brunch for St. Spyridon Greek Cathedral Worcester MA
Flying Rhino Cafe & Watering Hole 278 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA, United StatesApokriatiko Brunch Fundraiser at St Spyridon Greek Cathedral Worcester MA
St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Worcester 102 Russell Street, Worcester, MA, United StatesSpaghetti Dinner at St. George Greek Church Lowell MA
Saint George Greek Orthodox Church - Lynn, MA 54 S Common Street, Lynn, MA, United StatesApokriatiko Glendi Dance at St. Demetrios Greek Church in Weston MA
Greek Orthodox St. Demetrios Church in Weston MA 57 Brown Street, Weston, MA, United StatesPastichio Lunch at Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Church Dracut MA
Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church - Dracut, MA 1168 Mammoth Road, Dracut, MA, United StatesApokreatiko Luncheon at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Boston MA
Annunciation Cathedral of New England 514 Parker Street, Boston, MA, United StatesIntro in Ancient Greek Class at Greek 4 Kids School Newton MA
Greek 4 Kids Newton MA 1345 Centre Street, Newton , MA, United StatesYoung Adult Apokriatiko Gyro Night at St. Nectarios Greek Church Roslindale MA
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church - Roslindale, MA 39 Belgrade Ave, Roslindale, MA, United StatesBEETREAT Event at Greek Church of the Annunciation in Cranston RI
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - Cranston, RI 175 Oaklawn Avenue, Cranston, RI, United StatesGOYA Mural Painting Event at Taxiarchae Greek Church Watertown MA
Taxiarchae Greek Orthodox Church Watertown MA 25 Bigelow Ave, Watertown, MA, United StatesPhiloptochos Sewing Event at Annunciation Greek Church of Woburn MA
Annunciation of The Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church - Woburn, MA 70 Montvale Avenue , Woburn, MA, United StatesMardi Gras Party at St Demetrios Greek Church Weston MA
Greek Orthodox St. Demetrios Church in Weston MA 57 Brown Street, Weston, MA, United StatesDance Party at Holy Trinity Greek Church Waterbury CT
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Waterbury CT 937 Chase Pkwy, Waterbury, CT, United StatesApokries Glendi Dance by Holy Trinity Greek Church Fitchburg MA
Knights of Columbus 484 Lancaster Street, Leominster, MA, United StatesCome celebrate Carnival, Greek style, with food, music and dance! Admission is $10, children under 5 free. There will be a pot luck smorgasbord of Greek goodies for both dinner […]
Rathamanthus Ide Cretan Chapter of Boston Apokriatiko Glendi
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church - Roslindale, MA 39 Belgrade Ave, Roslindale, MA, United StatesShare This Event Below