Europeans in Boston During Covid Zoom Meeting

Thursday, October 29, 2:30pmEST/9:30Athens The German EU rotating presidency in Boston kindly organizes a science diplomacy event on Covid 19. The webinar will feature distinguished European scientists and researchers who are working in Boston and who will share their personal experiences in the scientific fight against Covid. One of the 4 European scientists is Dr. […]

Greek Pastry Fair at St Spyridon Greek Cathedral Worcester MA

St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Worcester 102 Russell Street, Worcester, MA, United States

Due to the pandemic, many events and activities had to be canceled including the 2020 Grecian Festival. The Pastry Fair is a chance to enjoy some of our favorite Greek Pastries while also raising much-needed funds for the Cathedral. Donations benefit the Cathedral and help support its programs and ministries. We realize that most Greek […]

Philoptochos Benefit Christmas Tea for Transfiguration Greek Church

For the past 66 years, the Ladies Philoptochos of the Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church has hosted our primary fundraiser, a Christmas Benefit Tea, where we have gathered together in fellowship. Unfortunately, with the restrictions in place this year due to COVID-19, our annual Tea, planned for Sunday, December 6, 2020, will not take place. What […]

Santa Drive Wave By at Greek International Food Market West Roxbury MA

Greek International Market West Roxbury MA 5204 Washington Street, West Roxbury, MA, United States

HoHoHo We've made the nice list again this year! Drive by and wave to SANTA on the corner of Washington Street and Grove Street. (Please do not get our of your car) Greek International Food Market 5204 Washington Street West Roxbury MA 02132 Catch our Santa calls to kids on Sunday, December 20th from the […]

The Greek Revolution Through American Eyes Event in Brookline MA

Maliotis Cultural Center 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA, United States

On March 22, 2021, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will inaugurate the exhibition, The Greek Revolution through American Eyes at the Maliotis Cultural Center of Hellenic College Holy Cross, Brookline, MA. It will remain up at the Maliotis Cultural Center until October 15, 2021. The exhibition is a Digital and physical Traveling Exhibition that […]

Pontian Society ‘Panagia Soumela’ of Boston Virtual Greek Independence Day Event

On March 25, 2021 at 4:00 pm EST, Hellenes and Philhellenes "Steering Committee" in coordination with the Pontian Society 'Panagia Soumela' of Boston will be hosting an event. A ceremony will be held on the historic warship USS Constitution "Old Ironsides" in Boston, MA to commemorate the 200-year Anniversary of the Greek Independence and the […]