Film Screening: “Life Will Smile” Movie by Steve Priovolos and Drey Kleanthous in Cambridge MA

Boylston Hall - Harvard University Cambridge, MA, United States

Film Screening: "Life Will Smile" by Steve Priovolos and Drey Kleanthous Tue., Apr. 16, 7:30 ā€“ 9 p.m. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Boylston Hall, Fong Auditorium, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138 Co-organized by the Harvard Greek Film Society and the Consulate General of Greece in Boston The screening will be followed by a reception in Boylston Hall's […]

“A Journey to Asia Minor” Memory and Historical Conscience in Boston MA

Consulate General of Greece in Boston 86 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, MA, United States

The New England Hellenic Medical and Dental Society invites you to a photographic " Journey to Asia Minor" Memory and Historical Consience An evening of Learning and Fellowship hosted by the Consulate General of Greece in Boston Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 7pm The lecturer, Dr. Mavrakis, is a practicing board certified internist at St. […]

Lazarus Saturday Breakfast and Palm Weaving in Cranston, RI

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - Cranston, RI 175 Oaklawn Avenue, Cranston, RI, United States

Lazarus Saturday Breakfast and Palm Weaving Church of the Annunciation,Ā Cranston, RI Demetrakas Hall April 20, 2019

Greek Night in Newton MA

Union Street Restaurant 107 Union Street, Newton, MA, United States

Athens Partnership Outreach Event and Networking Night in Boston MA

Boston University, Fenway Activities Building (FAB) Room FAB355, 180 Riverway, Boston, MA, United States

Athens Partnership Outreach Event and Networking Night Thursday, April 25th from 6:30-8:30pm Boston University, Fenway Activities Building (FAB), Room FAB355, 180 Riverway, Boston, MA RSVP here:

Holy Friday Youth Retreat at Transfiguration Greek Church Lowell MA

Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church - Lowell, MA 25 Fr. John Sarantos Way, Lowell, United States

All children in pre-school through grade 8 are invited to participate in our annual Holy Friday Youth Retreat! Royal Hours: 9:00am Program: 10:30am to 2:00pm Apokathelosis Service: 3:00pm All Camp programs are supported by your free-will offerings. No pre-registration necessary. For more information, please contact Olivia Sintros at 978.902.6152 or the church office at 978.458.4321.

HSA Greek Easter Feast 2019

MIT Sidney Pacific 70 Pacific Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Dear friends of the Hellenic Students' Association of MIT, The moment you have been waiting for has arrived! We are delighted to invite you to our most legendary staple event of the year, our Greek Easter celebration! Our feast includes: - spit roasting of whole lambs, - grilled juicy pork & chicken souvlakia, loukanika, beeftekia, […]