Local Greek Event Calendar

Over 50’s Breakfast at Annunciation Of The Virgin Mary Greek Church Woburn MA

Annunciation of The Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church - Woburn, MA 70 Montvale Avenue , Woburn, MA, United States

Our next over 50's breakfast will be on January 6th after the Blessing of the Waters on Epiphany. We hope that you can join us for Liturgy and a wonderful breakfast and fellowship. Many thanks to George and Roula Papadopoulos for providing breakfast at the December meeting.

The language of Orthodox Icons at St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Church Mansfield MA

St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Orthodox Church - Mansfield, MA 1007 West St, Mansfield, MA, United States

A special Coffee Talk: The Language of Icons Learn more about the icons of our church and their meaning. Wednesday, January 20th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm Let’s unlock the mystery behind icons. Join us at St. Gregory’s to hear Presbytera Erin Kimmett, Byzantine Iconographer, discuss the meaning and symbolism in these holy images. Enrich […]


Hellenic Soccer Club in Roslindale MA 47 Poplar Street, Roslindale, MA, United States

Ποντιακή βραδιά αυτήν την Παρασκευή 22 Ιανουαρίου 2016 στην ποδοσφαιρική λέσχη Hellenic (υπό νέα διεύθυνση) Μαζί μας από Ελλάδα: ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΙΔΗΣ - ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙ (παρουσιαστής τηλεοπτικών εκπομπών ΜΑΥΡΟΘΑΛΑΣΣΑ και ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ) ΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΟΤΤΑΡΙΔΗΣ - ΛΥΡΑ ΣΩΤΗΡΗΣ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΙΔΗΣ - ΑΓΓΕΙΟΝ (ΤΟΥΛΟΥΜ) Επίσης μαζι τους υποδεχόμαστε και τον παρουσιαστή - παραγωγό ποντιακών ραδιοφωνικών εκπομπών "Πόντος, από Γενιά σε Γενιά" […]

Feast Day Celebration at St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Church Mansfield MA

St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Orthodox Church - Mansfield, MA 1007 West St, Mansfield, MA, United States

Please join His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston for our Feast Day Celebration with Divine Liturgy on January 24th at 9:00AM. A luncheon is to follow in the Church hall. Then that evening, the Great Vespers for St. Gregory the Theologian will be at 6:00PM. On January 25th, Divine Liturgy for the Feast Day of […]

Murder Mystery Dinner and Greek Dance in Portsmouth NH

The Jarvis Center Portsmouth NH 40 Andrew Jarvis Drive, Portsmouth, NH, United States

Join us for a Murder Mystery Dinner followed by Greek dancing with DJ Meleti. Saturday, January 30, 2016 • 6:30 to 11 PM, Jarvis Center, 40 Andrew Jarvis Dr, Portsmouth, NH, $100/couple Proceeds benefit St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. Reserve by January 23 For tickets, call (781)789-3200 or email [email protected]

Presentation of Trojan Women, Helen, Hecuba: Three Plays about Women and the Trojan War, by Francis Blessington

The Greek Institute 1038 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

Please join us for a presentation and book signing by Professor Francis Blessington: These three ancient tragedies—Trojan Women, Helen, and Hecuba—dramatize the tragic fates of women in the wake of war. Euripides (480–406 BC) innovatively brought to Greek tragedy the inner lives of his characters. In these plays he delivers powerful portrayals of the suffering […]

European Conference 2016

Harvard University Cambridge MA Cambridge, MA, United States

Please note that Tufts University is hosting its 31st Annual EPIIC Symposium: "Europe in Turmoil" ahead of the European Conference at Harvard. For more information, visit: http://europeanconference.org/2016-agenda/

The Great Fire Lecture at Holy Trinity Church in Portland Maine

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church - Portland, ME 133 Pleasant Street, Portland, ME, United States

Award Winning Author Lou Ureneck to Speak at the Holy Trinity Parish House Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 11:30 AM A luncheon will be served with the lecture. Sponsored by Paideia of Maine $12 Donation Includes the Luncheon

Fundraising Luncheon Benefit in Worcester MA for The St Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero in New York

St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Worcester 102 Russell Street, Worcester, MA, United States

All are Welcome to Attend! Bring your family, friends, neighbors, fellow Orthodox Christians, etc. Please join us on February 21, for a fundraising luncheon and program to benefit: The Saint Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero in New York Patricia Perry, is a professional historical interpreter, a member of the Association for Living History, and […]

JOY HOPE Event at St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Church Mansfield MA

St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Orthodox Church - Mansfield, MA 1007 West St, Mansfield, MA, United States

Please save the date and join us for a day of games, fellowship and crafts. JOY will be meeting on the same day as our blood drive, Saturday, February 27th from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. Our JOY/HOPE group encompasses children in grades K-6. We encourage parents to drop off their children and take the […]

CAS Annual Fundraiser: A Night In Mykonos

Danversport Yacht Club Danvers MA 161 Elliott St, Danvers, Massachusetts 01923, Danvers, MA, United States

Hosted by Christian Angel Smile Foundation.  Please join us for a wonderful evening to support Families who are in need. Live and silent auctions, Raffles, entertainment, wine tasting, dinner. General Admission $75. Reserved tables 10-12 p $100 per person. Advance purchase recommended.