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* All events are subject to approval and must be related to local Greek events in the New England area only. May take up to 48 hours to publish.
Calendar of Events
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Greece Animated Event by Dr. Anastasia Dimitra in Boston MA
Greece Animated Event by Dr. Anastasia Dimitra in Boston MA
Please RSVP by January 29th at the EventBrite link : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/greece-animated-registration-53161127363 Free and open to the public. Seating begins at 5:30pm. ---- A Presentation and Short Film Showing of Greek Animation from the 1930s to Today Dr. Anastasia Dimitra is the course leader of the Animation and Interactive Media course at AKTO (validated college Middlesex […]
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GOYA Souper Bowl Sunday Food Drive at St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Church in Mansfield MA
GOYA Souper Bowl Sunday Food Drive at St. Gregory the Theologian Greek Church in Mansfield MA
We need everyone to pitch in and help our Sunday School classes make this the best campaign ever. Below is the list you can choose from to contribute items that will benefit Our Daily Bread. These items have been specifically requested by the volunteers from the food pantry here in Mansfield. We will be collecting […]
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Kazantzakis Movie Screening in Cambridge MA
Kazantzakis Movie Screening in Cambridge MA
Harvard Greek Film Society in cooperation with Hellenic Students' Association of MIT organize the screening of the film "Kazantzakis" by Yannis Smaragdis Wednesday, February 6, 8:00-10:00 p.m. At MIT Room 4-237 The event is free and open to the public. There will be subtitles in English.
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The Hellenic Initiative New Leaders Boston Cocktail Party
The Hellenic Initiative New Leaders Boston Cocktail Party
We invite our Boston community of New Leaders to come out and Network with a Purpose while supporting the Enaleia sustainable fishing initiatives in Greece! Specialty cocktails will be provided by KLEOS Mastiha Spirit.
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Winter Tea at Annunciation Greek Church in Newburyport, MA
Please join us in St. Basil's Hall immediately following Divine Liturgy for this special winter event of High Tea: featuring beautifully decorated tables with traditional scones, finger sandwiches, tea and cakes served. Proceeds from this donation only, un-ticketed event will be used to fund the purchase of a second dishwasher for the Church to facilitate clean […]
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Mnemophrenia Movie World Premiere by Greek Filmmaker Eirini Konstantinidou
Mnemophrenia Movie World Premiere by Greek Filmmaker Eirini Konstantinidou
Mnemophrenia will have its World Premiere at the 44th Boston Sci-Fi Fest on 11th February at 7pm at the beautiful Somerville cinema built in 1914! Followed by a Q&A with Eirini Konstantinidou (writer/ director and producer), Robin King (writer and actor) and Corey Zack (composer). #BostonSciFi #SF44 #TheThon https://www.bostonscifi.com/february-11-2019/ If you are Boston based or […]
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Bowling Night for Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
Bowling Night for Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
Bowling Night Tuesday, February 19 4pm Wamesit Lanes All youth ministry groups welcome $5 per child Includes: pizza, soft drinks, shoe rental and bowling. Please rsvp [email protected]
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Apokreatiko Glendi at St. Anargyroi Greek Church Marlborough MA
Apokreatiko Glendi at St. Anargyroi Greek Church Marlborough MA
Apokreatiko Glendi St Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church Marlborough, MA February 22, 2020 - 6 - 11 PM
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MIT Hellenic Students Association Tsiknopempti Event
Dear friends of HSA of MIT, Join us for our annual legendary celebration of Tsiknopempti! There will be unlimited quantity of high-quality meats (beef, lamb, pork, chicken and other delicacies), general buffet, music and lots of dancing! Tickets: - Students (with VALID student ID): $28 - Non-students: $35 NOTE: drinks, desserts & menu items NOT […]
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Apokriatiko Dance at St. Constantine and Helen Greek Church Cambridge MA
Apokriatiko Dance at St. Constantine and Helen Greek Church Cambridge MA
Join us and have fun on March 2! Tickets: $40 for Adults; $25 for Young Adults (under 25) and free for Children under 15.
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Joy Event at St Vasilios Greek Church Peabody MA
Joy Event at St Vasilios Greek Church Peabody MA
Junior Orthodox Youth (JOY)Events are for children ages 5 - 9 years old (siblings welcomed) Meet up First Sundays every month In the Youth Room 11:30-12:30 Snacks, Games, and Crafts 12:30-1:00 Lesson with Fr. Anthony For more information: Anastasia Santos: [email protected] Yianna Speridakos: [email protected] Nikki Kachinski: [email protected]
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