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Calendar of Events
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The Greeks Speak Lecture Series “Know Thyself” in Cambridge MA
The Greeks Speak Lecture Series “Know Thyself” in Cambridge MA
THE GREEKS SPEAK LECTURE SERIES “KNOW THYSELF,” a talk presented by CHRISTOS GIANOPOULOS, MA, MPA. Christos teaches philosophy and history at the University of Maine at Augusta and the Maine Community College system, and leads seminars on Jungian themes at the C.G. Jung Center in Brunswick, Maine. His mission is to read, write and talk […]
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Greek Music Night in Stamford CT
The Greenwich Lounge in The Stamford Diner Presents GREEK NIGHT Featuring Deejay Serafim, spinning the best Lounge, Greek and House tunes all evening! Come early for dinner! > Saturday March 03, 2018 > Doors Open at 9PM > No Cover For table & bottle reservations, please call 203.348.7000
Lenten Retreat at Annunciation Of The Virgin Mary Greek Church Woburn MA
Lenten Retreat at Annunciation Of The Virgin Mary Greek Church Woburn MA
On Saturday, April 9th 10am-2pm, we welcome Rev. Dr. Peter Chambers to our community for a Lenten Retreat. Fr. Peter will be offering us a presentation on St. Paisios' life and teachings. He is an expert, having translated and written countless works on the Saint. All members of our community are welcomed and encouraged to […]
Life Skills Seminar at St. George Greek Cathedral Springfield MA
Life Skills Seminar at St. George Greek Cathedral Springfield MA
Life Skills Seminar: On Saturday, March 3rd, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., we are pleased to have Mayor Domenic Sarno as the keynote speaker as well as many other professional people coming to speak to us about investing, fitness, pharmaceuticals, medical issues, funeral planning, mental health, CPR, and much more. Everyone is invited […]
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Natassa Theodoridou Live Concert in Boston
BUY TICKETS TO THE NATASSA THEODORIDOU BOSTON CONCERT ONLINE, HERE: https://www.greekconcertstatus.com/theodoridou-boston.html
Book Launch for Avaton by Dimitrios Bafaloukos in Brookline MA
Book Launch for Avaton by Dimitrios Bafaloukos in Brookline MA
In this collection of poems, Dimitrios Bafaloukos, with the precision of a surgeon, simultaneously wields brush and stylus, capturing moments of anguished love, which sometimes triumph beyond the wounds, and sometimes remain unfulfilled. With his own pen, he draws moments of profound love to immortalize Eros. His poems are amplified and illustrated by thirteen vivid […]
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Hope Joy Gathering at St. Athanasius the Great Greek Church Arlington MA
Hope Joy Gathering at St. Athanasius the Great Greek Church Arlington MA
HOPE-Joy Gathering Friday, March 9, 2018 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Ages 5-12 Welcome Join us as we get together and enjoy a fun activity about Lent and Easter ith Fr. Aaron, a light meal will be served. Please RSVP to this event:
Greek traditional music concert by Pharos Ensemble for Kalesma in Boston MA
Greek traditional music concert by Pharos Ensemble for Kalesma in Boston MA
You are cordially invited by the Consulate General of Greece in Boston to A concert of Greek traditional music by Pharos Ensemble for Kalesma with musicians Eirini Tornesaki - Vocals Vasilis Kostas - Laouto Layth Sidiq - Violin George Lernis - Percussion PLEASE RSVP by March 6, 2018 Consulate General of Greece in Boston 86 […]
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Live Greek Concert by Christina Koza in Hartford CT
Join us for a night of Greek music and food. Last year was amazing and this year will be even better. Price of admission includes entry and lent appropriate meal. Full bar available with bottle service. For table reservation please call Christo @ 8609950297 of inbox me. Tables are filling up fast. Adults $40 Students […]
Greek Constitution and Amendment from a Comparative Perspective in Medford MA
Greek Constitution and Amendment from a Comparative Perspective in Medford MA
Lecture: “Greek Constitution and Amendment from a Comparative Perspective” by Professor George Tsebelis, University of Michigan.
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St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival in Boston MA
Please encourage our students to create a beautiful essay for the Annual Saint John Chrysostom Festival
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Wellness Wednesday Luncheon at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Portland ME
Wellness Wednesday Luncheon at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Portland ME
The Wellness Wednesday and luncheon will be held on Wednesday March 14th from 10:30 to 12:30. The topic is: Essential Oils-What are they and how can we use them for supporting our health? Guest speaker is Janet Kamaratous Seymour. We will discuss how essential oils are used as all Natural and Plant based alternatives for […]
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Lecture by Nikos Kotzias the Hellenic Minister for Foreign Affairs in Medford MA
Lecture by Nikos Kotzias the Hellenic Minister for Foreign Affairs in Medford MA
Thursday, March 15th 5:30pm Lecture 6:30pm Reception Cabot Center, ASEAN Auditorium The Behrakis Family Endowed Lecture Series is honored to welcome Nikos Kotzias, Greece’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. From 1993 to 2008, Minister Kotzias served in the Ministry, becoming an ambassador in 2005, and Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2015. He has been involved in […]
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Ouzo Blue Club Live Bouzoukia in Watertown CT
•••SATURDAY MARCH 17••• GREEK LIVE STAGE BOUZOUKIA at Ouzo Blue Club ••••LIVE GREEK MUSIC by the Orchestra of Connecticut-Athenian Entertainment Greek Orchestra-with GEORGIOS KARATZAS •George Moutsis-Bouzouki-violin •Meyer Broytman-Keyboards(Music director) •Anthi Aggelou-Vocals •Nick Spaniotis-Clarino •Dean Galanis-Drums •DJ🔊NickNakis -RESERVE A TABLE OR BOTTLE ASAP- MUSIC STARTS 22:00 COVER 20$ •••Production by ATHENIAN ENTERTAINMENT GREEK ORCHESTRA••• ••••Greek Night […]
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Amazing Hero Art in Lowell MA
Amazing Hero Art in Lowell MA
The Hellenic American Academy PTA is hosting artist, Rob Surette, and his inspirational Amazing Hero Art speed-painting show. When: Sunday, March 18 at 3:00pm Where: Cultural Center, 41 Broadway Street, Lowell, MA Admission: FREE! (please RSVP) Who: Bring your family and friends Rob has been called, “The Greatest One-Man Show in the World” and has […]
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Celebration of Greek Independence Day in Somerville MA
Celebration of Greek Independence Day in Somerville MA
GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION On Saturday, March 24, 2018 at Somerville City Hall at 11:00 a.m. Everyone must attend!!!
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Lecture on Bostonian Philhellene Samuel Gridley Howe in Boston MA
Lecture on Bostonian Philhellene Samuel Gridley Howe in Boston MA
You are invited to a Lecture on Bostonian Philhellene Samuel Gridley Howe by Professor Petros Vamvakas of Emmanuel College at the Consulate General on Sunday, March 25 th 2018 at 5:00 p.m. The evening will feature musicians of the ALEA III ensemble in works by Nikos Skalkottas and traditional Greek music. PLEASE RSVP by March […]
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2018 Greek America Lecture Series, Eric Metaxas in Boston MA
2018 Greek America Lecture Series, Eric Metaxas in Boston MA
BCHS Presents: Eric Metaxas Tuesday, March 27 at 7pm Cushing Hall Room 001, Boston College As the second speaker in the 2018 Greek America Lecture Series, Eric Metaxas is coming to lecture at BC. Mr. Metaxas is a New York Times-bestselling author, and the host of “The Eric Metaxas Show.” The event is FREE and […]
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Journey Through Lent: Orthodox Christian Stewardship in Boston MA
Journey Through Lent: Orthodox Christian Stewardship in Boston MA
Join other young adults from the Boston area as we welcome Fr. Bob Archon to lead us in a discussion and join us for dinner following Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Wednesday evening! Orthodox Christian Stewardship: Multiplying Your Time, Talent, and Treasure While Glorifying God Pre-Sanctified Liturgy: 6:30pm Discussion: 8pm Come join the conversation! The food is […]
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Leadership and Listening Event with John Colis in Brookline MA
Leadership and Listening Event with John Colis in Brookline MA
Most people are excellent talkers but poor listeners. Why do people need to listen, and how are those skills acquired? Join the Office of Vocation & Ministry on Thursday, March 29, in the Library Reading Room to discuss these questions and more with Mr. John Colis, a businessman, Archon, and lifelong steward of SS Peter […]
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Spasta Greek Easter Party in Boston MA
Spasta Welcomes all to Join us Saturday, March 31st as we celebrate a week before our biggest holiday Greek Easter! Party will be held at our residential spot ICON! DJ George Adamakis on deck with the best Greek beats! Pasxa With The Greeks!! For Guest List/Table inquires Contact your Spasta Crew: Kristina 781-346-5136 Dimitri 978-968-3128 […]
Saturday of Lazarus and Pancake Breakfast at Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
Saturday of Lazarus and Pancake Breakfast at Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
Please join us for Saturday of Lazarus Saturday, March 31, 2018 8:30 am Orthos / 9:45 am Divine Liturgy Followed by a complimentary pancake breakfast and making of the palms The youth will also practice the palm procession for Sunday. The Saturday of Lazaros is counted among the major feasts of the Church. It is […]
Bake Sale at Annunciation Greek Church of Newburyport MA
Bake Sale at Annunciation Greek Church of Newburyport MA
BAKE SALE!! - Saturday, March 31 10am-2pm. Stop by 7 Harris Street and pick up assorted baked goods. Want a spinach pie? Call 978-462-8367 to order ahead. All proceeds benefit St. Basil’s Ministries and their goal to purchase a commercial dishwasher.
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