Calendar of Events

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2 events,


The Greeks Speak Lecture Series “Know Thyself” in Cambridge MA

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3 events,

Greek Music Night in Stamford CT


Lenten Retreat at Annunciation Of The Virgin Mary Greek Church Woburn MA


Life Skills Seminar at St. George Greek Cathedral Springfield MA

4 events,


Book Launch for Avaton by Dimitrios Bafaloukos in Brookline MA

1 event,

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3 events,


Greek traditional music concert by Pharos Ensemble for Kalesma in Boston MA

2 events,

Live Greek Concert by Christina Koza in Hartford CT

3 events,

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2 events,


Wellness Wednesday Luncheon at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Portland ME

1 event,


Lecture by Nikos Kotzias the Hellenic Minister for Foreign Affairs in Medford MA

1 event,

3 events,

Ouzo Blue Club Live Bouzoukia in Watertown CT

4 events,


Amazing Hero Art in Lowell MA

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0 events,

3 events,

4 events,

4 events,


Lecture on Bostonian Philhellene Samuel Gridley Howe in Boston MA

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1 event,

1 event,


Journey Through Lent: Orthodox Christian Stewardship in Boston MA

1 event,


Leadership and Listening Event with John Colis in Brookline MA

5 events,

Spasta Greek Easter Party in Boston MA


Saturday of Lazarus and Pancake Breakfast at Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA

4 events,

Annual Palm Sunday Dinner at Holyoke Greek Church


Palm Sunday Luncheon at St John the Baptist Greek Church Boston MA