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* All events are subject to approval and must be related to local Greek events in the New England area only. May take up to 48 hours to publish.
Calendar of Events
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Greek Night: Anw Katw Band Live at Towne Peabody MA
Beat Boston presents... the absolute Greek nightlife in boston! Anw Katw Band Live at Brothers Kouzina - Saturday 6 January 2018! Starts at 21:00! For tickets & more informations call: Brothers Kouzina - 978.5359297 Brothers Kouzina - 25 Newbury Street (Route 1 N) Peabody, Massachusetts
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Archaeological Society in Athens: 180 Years of Exciting Archaeological Research in Greece
Archaeological Society in Athens: 180 Years of Exciting Archaeological Research in Greece
Invitation to a lecture on the Archaeological Society in Athens: 180 Years of Exciting Archaeological Research in Greece - Monday, January 8, @ 6:30
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Young Adult League of Cranston RI Ski Trip in New Hampshire
Join us for a fun retreat weekend in the beautiful mountains of New Hampshire! As a group we will go to Pats Peak Ski Area for a skiing/snowboarding/tubing day on Saturday, but this is optional. You are welcome to stay at the Retreat House during this time, as the ski costs are NOT included with […]
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Blessing of the Cars at St. Catherine’s Greek Church Braintree MA
Blessing of the Cars at St. Catherine’s Greek Church Braintree MA
Mark your calendars now for the 2nd Annual Blessing of the Cars on January 7th and 14th! Vespers for the Feast of Theophany will be on January 5th at 6:00PM, and the Divine Liturgy on January 6th at 9:30AM, Orthros 8:30AM,
The Gathering! A Fellowship of Orthodox Young Adults in Roslindale MA
The Gathering! A Fellowship of Orthodox Young Adults in Roslindale MA
The Gathering! A Fellowship of Orthodox Young Adults (20 & 30 Something...) Singles & Married at St. Nectarios Church First Launching Meeting: Sunday, January 14, 2018 after Church Services (Noon time) at the BLUE ROOM for Coffee, Pizza, Music, Casual Talk & Faith Talk with Deacon Michael Tishel.
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The Battle of Marathon and the Modern Citizen – BU Prof. Samons
The Battle of Marathon and the Modern Citizen – BU Prof. Samons
Most often seen in its military context, the Athenians’ defeat of the invading Persian army at Marathon in 490 B.C. actually offers crucial political, social, and economic lessons for contemporary citizens who wish to preserve popular government. Professor Samons will offer an entertaining analysis of the topic, which will hopefully spark a dialogue with those […]
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Women’s Fitness Program at Saint George Greek Church in Lynn, MA
Mondays & Thursdays - 5:30PM til 6:45PM St. George Gym with Mary Anne Spartos Join us at the St. George Gym for an hour of exercise designed for you. Accommodation for entry level of fitness will be made. We will use fitness bands, weights (or no weights) and body exercises such as pilates & yoga […]
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Greeks in Academia and Industry in the US
Greeks in Academia and Industry in the US
A panel discussion addressed to graduate students and postdocs interested in pursuing career in Academic and Industry in the US: -Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas, Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor at Sloan School of Management, Co-director of the Operations Research Center at MIT. -Maria Kontaridis, Researcher at the Cardiovascular Division of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center […]
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Prosphora and Pizza Day at Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
Prosphora and Pizza Day at Holy Apostles Greek Church Haverhill MA
The Youth Group will be hosting a Prosphora and Pizza Day Come and learn how to prepare the prosphora. Saturday, January 27th 1-4 The Holy Mystery of Communion, or the Eucharist, is embodied in the wine and leavened bread that are offered as the "gifts" (or body and blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ) in […]
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Annual OPA! Greek Cruise Event
The Basics of Gregorian Chant Seminar in Brookline MA
The Basics of Gregorian Chant Seminar in Brookline MA
Jennifer Donelson, St. Joseph's Seminary, New York, introduces participants to Gregorian chant in this one-day intensive workshop. Seating is limited. Advanced registration required. Registration closes February 2 at 12:00 PM. This event is part of the fifth Boston Byzantine Music Festival, a program of the Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture.
St. Photios Faith & Learning Symposium: Faith and Film in Brookline MA
St. Photios Faith & Learning Symposium: Faith and Film in Brookline MA
Come join Hellenic College Holy Cross and it’s Office of Vocation & Ministry at the intersection of Orthodox Christianity and pop culture, as we welcome Dr. Chrysostomos Stamoulis of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki to lead us in a thought-provoking discussion. The event will take place in the HCHC Library Reading Room in the Skouros […]
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