7 events found.
Spaghetti Dinner at St. George Greek Church Lowell MA
Saint George Greek Orthodox Church - Lynn, MA 54 S Common Street, LynnApokriatiko Glendi Dance at St. Demetrios Greek Church in Weston MA
Greek Orthodox St. Demetrios Church in Weston MA 57 Brown Street, WestonPastichio Lunch at Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Church Dracut MA
Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church - Dracut, MA 1168 Mammoth Road, DracutApokreatiko Luncheon at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Boston MA
Annunciation Cathedral of New England 514 Parker Street, BostonIntro in Ancient Greek Class at Greek 4 Kids School Newton MA
Greek 4 Kids Newton MA 1345 Centre Street, NewtonYoung Adult Apokriatiko Gyro Night at St. Nectarios Greek Church Roslindale MA
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church - Roslindale, MA 39 Belgrade Ave, RoslindaleShare This Event Below