Gingerbread Night at Transfiguration Greek Church in Lowell MA

Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church - Lowell, MA 25 Fr. John Sarantos Way, Lowell

Join us for a night of fellowship and fun. Food and drinks will be provided. Please bring the following items with you: 1 Hat, scarf, or pair of mittens for […]

Byzantine Chant & Kalanta (Carols) From Greece in Boston MA

Annunciation Cathedral of New England 514 Parker Street, Boston

Dear friends, this year, our annual Christmas concert will be held at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Boston! We are collaborating with the Metropolis of Boston, the Consulate General […]

Hellenic Students’ Association of MIT Christmas Party

MIT Student Center 84 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge

Dear HSA members and friends, We're thrilled to announce that our annual -MASSIVE- holiday party will be taking place THIS FRIDAY AT 8PM, at the MIT Lobdell Hall! Put your […]