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Sfela is a semi-hard, off-white Greek cheese that is made from sheep’s milk, goat’s milk or a combination of the two. This cheese is matured and stored in brine. Sfela cheese is produced in the Lakonia and Messinia prefectures of the southern Peloponnese. This cheese has been known for at least one century. It is still made today using traditional technology. The sheep and goats that produce milk for Sfela cheese are also reared traditionally.

To make sfela Greek cheese, the curd is divided into pieces and reheated. It is then drained using a cheesecloth then lightly pressed and cut into small strips (sfelas) and salted. These salted strips are then stored in tin cans filled with brine for at least three months. During the fermentation process of the cheese, small holes are created.

Modern Greek cooking widely uses sfela cheese. Sfela tastes a lot like feta, but because it is stored in brine has a stronger taste. It makes a delightful appetizer or can be grilled. It is known for being a cheese that doesn’t melt when fried or grilled. It also pairs nicely with meat and vegetables. It is also often eaten over a mixture of olive oil and oregano. Sfela cheese is the perfect addition to a Greek pie. Sfela Greek cheese is also refered to as “fire feta” thanks to its mild spice that is created during the reheating process. Sfela cheese also pairs well with raki, ouzo, and beer.

Type of Greek Cheese

Sfela Greek cheese is semi-hard, rindless cheese that is made from sheep’s milk, goat’s milk, or a mixture of the two.

Where Sfela Greek Cheese is Produced

Sfela cheese is produced in the Lakonia and Messinia prefectures of the southern Peloponnese.

Sfela Greek Cheese Flavor Description

Sfela Greek cheese tastes similar to feta, but because it is stored in brine, the taste is stronger.

Facts About Sfela Greek Cheese

  • Sfela Greek cheese is produced in the prefectures of Messinia and Lakonia
  • Sfela cheese does not melt when fried or grilled
  • Sfela Greek cheese is made from sheep’s milk, goat’s milk, or a combination of the two
  • This cheese has been known for at least one century
  • Sfela Greek cheese is often referred to as “fire feta” due to the mild spice created during the reheating process
  • This cheese contains no other substances or enhancers to give it its taste
  • Sfela Greek cheese is a rindless, semi-hard cheese that is part of the feta family.

If you enjoy feta cheese, you will enjoy the similar, but saltier version: Sfela Greek cheese.

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