Lemnos, Greece is an island located in the Aegean Sea. Lemnos is a mainly flat island, but in the northwest it more mountainous. The main towns of the island are Myrina and Moudros. The island is home to over 30 sandy beaches.
The climate of Lemnos is mainly Mediterranean, so the winters are mild and summers are warm. On occasion there is snowfall on the island.
This weather forecast in Lemnos, Greece, will vary from year to year. The averages that you see below represent historical weather data. Here is the typical weather forecast throughout the year for Lemnos, Greece:
- Temperature: 39.9° F (4.4° C) – 51.3° F (10.7° C)
- Precipitation: 72.3 mm
- Climate: 7.5 days of rain on average, 85 hours of sunshine, water temperature 57.2° F (14° C), dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 77%
- Temperature: 40.1° F (4.5° C) – 52° F (11° C)
- Precipitation: 44.1 mm
- Climate: 6.2 days of rain on average, 121 hours of sunshine, water temperature 55.4° F (13° C), dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 75.4%
- Temperature: 43.2° F (6.2° C) – 55.6° F (13.1° C)
- Precipitation: 51.6 mm
- Climate: 5.2 days of rain on average, 166 hours of sunshine, water temperature 55.4° F (13° C), dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 75.9%
- Temperature: 48° F (9° C) – 62.8° F (17.1° C)
- Precipitation: 32.3 mm
- Climate: 4.2 days of rain on average, 236 hours of sunshine, water temperature 57.2° F (14° C), dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 73.4%
- Temperature: 55° F (13° C) – 71.8° F (22.1° C)
- Precipitation: 23.3 mm
- Climate: 3.4 days of rain on average, 305 hours of sunshine, water temperature 62.6° F (17° C), dry air, 80% clear
- Humidity: 68.8%
- Temperature: 63.1° F (17.3° C) – 81° F (27.2° C)
- Precipitation: 21.9 mm
- Climate: 2.6 days of rain on average, 335 hours of sunshine, water temperature 68° F (20° C), slightly muggy, 95% clear, beach/pool score 9.3
- Humidity: 61%
- Temperature: 68.7° F (20.4° C) – 85.1° F (29.5° C)
- Precipitation: 10.3 mm
- Climate: 1.2 days of rain on average, 376 hours of sunshine, water temperature 73.4° F (23° C), 35% muggy, 98% clear, beach/pool score 9.3
- Humidity: 57.6%
- Temperature: 69.3° F (20.7° C) – 84.4° F (29.1° C)
- Precipitation: 7.5 mm
- Climate: 1.2 days of rain on average, 352 hours of sunshine, water temperature 73.4° F (23° C), 38% muggy, 98% clear, beach/pool score 9.3
- Humidity: 62.5%
- Temperature: 62.1° F (16.7° C) – 77.5° F (25.3° C)
- Precipitation: 19.6 mm
- Climate: 1.6 days of rain on average, 279 hours of sunshine, water temperature 69.8° F (21° C), slightly muggy, 80% clear, beach/pool score 7
- Humidity: 66.8%
- Temperature: 55.2° F (12.9° C) – 68.5° F (20.3° C)
- Precipitation: 35.9 mm
- Climate: 3.8 days of rain on average, 205 hours of sunshine, water temperature 66.2° F (19° C), 75% dry air, 80% clear, overcast
- Humidity: 72.8%
- Temperature: 48.4° F (9.1° C) – 60.3° F (15.7° C)
- Precipitation: 75.4 mm
- Climate: 7 days of rain on average, 124 hours of sunshine, water temperature 60.8° F (16° C), dry air, 51% clear
- Humidity: 77.9%
- Temperature: 43.2° F (6.2° C) – 54.1° F (12.3° C)
- Precipitation: 80.2 mm
- Climate: 8.4 days of rain on average, 83 hours of sunshine, water temperature 59° F (15° C), dry air, 51% clear, overcast
- Humidity: 78.6%
Lemnos Island has a Mediterranean climate that offers mild winters and warm summers.
Find the current weather forecast for Lemnos, Greece here:
Weather.com – Lemnos, Greece Weather Forecast