Elounda is a small town on the northern coast of the Greek island of Crete. Elounda is a popular tourist destination. There is bus service in Elounda, making it easy to get around. The bus service runs to Plaka and Agios Nikolaos as well.
Elounda has a Mediterranean climate. The summers are dry and warm and the winters are mild. Elounda sees a fair amount of sunshine year round. July is the most sunny month. August is the driest month and January is the wettest month.
This weather forecast in Elounda, Greece, will vary from year to year. The averages that you see below represent historical weather data. Here is the typical weather forecast throughout the year for Elounda, Greece:
- Temperature: 48.2° F (9° C) – 59° F (15° C)
- Precipitation: 89 mm
- Climate: 17 days of rain on average, 116 hours of sunshine, water temperature 60.8° F (16° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 71%
- Temperature: 48.2° F (9° C) – 59° F (15° C)
- Precipitation: 45 mm
- Climate: 12 days of rain on average, 121 hours of sunshine, water temperature 59° F (15° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 72%
- Temperature: 48.2° F (9° C) – 60.8° F (16° C)
- Precipitation: 35 mm
- Climate: 12 days of rain on average, 178 hours of sunshine, water temperature 60.8° F (16° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 70%
- Temperature: 53.6° F (12° C) – 68° F (20° C)
- Precipitation: 21 mm
- Climate: 8 days of rain on average, 227 hours of sunshine, water temperature 60.8° F (16° C), comfortable, 90% clear, overcast
- Humidity: 69%
- Temperature: 57.2° F (14° C) – 73.4° F (23° C)
- Precipitation: 14 mm
- Climate: 6 days of rain on average, 301 hours of sunshine, water temperature 66.2° F (19° C), comfortable, 95% clear, overcast
- Humidity: 68%
- Temperature: 66.2° F (19° C) – 80.6° F (27° C)
- Precipitation: 4 mm
- Climate: 2 days of rain on average, 351 hours of sunshine, water temperature 71.6° F (22° C), warm, 97% clear, 25% muggy, beach/pool score 8
- Humidity: 68%
- Temperature: 69.8° F (21° C) – 82.4° F (28° C)
- Precipitation: 1 mm
- Climate: 1 day of rain on average, 372 hours of sunshine, water temperature 75.2° F (24° C), warm, 45% muggy, 100% clear, beach/pool score 9.6
- Humidity: 67%
- Temperature: 69.8° F (21° C) – 82.4° F (28° C)
- Precipitation: 1 mm
- Climate: 2 days of rain on average, 346 hours of sunshine, water temperature 77° F (25° C), warm, 51% muggy, 100% clear, beach/pool score 9.6
- Humidity: 67%
- Temperature: 66.2° F (19° C) – 78.8° F (26° C)
- Precipitation: 12 mm
- Climate: 7 days of rain on average, 281 hours of sunshine, water temperature 75.2° F (24° C), warm, muggy, clear/overcast, beach/pool score 8
- Humidity: 67%
- Temperature: 60.8° F (16° C) – 73.4° F (23° C)
- Precipitation: 69 mm
- Climate: 15 days of rain on average, 198 hours of sunshine, water temperature 73.4° F (23° C), warm/comfortable, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 69%
- Temperature: 55.4° F (13° C) – 68° F (20° C)
- Precipitation: 59 mm
- Climate: 10 days of rain on average, 149 hours of sunshine, water temperature 68° F (20° C), comfortable, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 71%
- Temperature: 50° F (10° C) – 62.6° F (17° C)
- Precipitation: 77 mm
- Climate: 14 days of rain on average, 121 hours of sunshine, water temperature 62.6° F (17° C), cool, dry air, clear/overcast
- Humidity: 71%
Elounda, Greece has a climate that is known as a local steppe climate, which means there is little rainfall throughout the year.
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