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Kalathaki Limnou is a soft and white cheese that is produced in Lemnos, Greece in the northern Aegean Sea. It is a brine cheese that is made from sheep’s milk or a combination of sheep’s milk and goat’s milk. When goat milk is used, the amount cannot exceed 30% of the total milk. The sheep and goats from which that milk comes graze freely on wild grass. The flora and microclimate of the island greatly determine the flavor of the milk and in turn, the cheese.

The traditional method of Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese involves putting the curd into a kalathaki, which means “small basket,” where draining and organic acidification occurs. At this time the cheese takes on its cylindrical shape. The baskets are then put in brine and matured for at least two months.

The texture of Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese is similar to feta. Kalathaki Limnou has a more mild and pleasant flavor than feta. Its taste is described as salty and slighty acidic. It is often served as a table cheese that can be eaten with fruit. Kalathaki Limnou cheese pairs nicely with Greek dishes such as Greek salad. It compliments pies with green fillings and also spicier dishes. Kalathaki Limnou is an ideal substitute for the cheese saganaki.

Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese has PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) status. This status is to show that it comes from a unique geographical areas with its own agricultural importance. In this case, the area is the island of Lemnos in the northern Aegean Sea.

Type of Greek Cheese

Kalathaki Limnou is a brine cheese that is made from sheep’s milk. Kalathaki Limnou cheese can also have goat milk added in at lesser amounts. The texture of this cheese is similar to that of feta cheese.

Where Kalathaki Limnou Greek Cheese is Produced

Kalathaki Limnou cheese is produced in Lemnos, Greece.

Kalathaki Limnou Greek Cheese Flavor Description

Kalathaki Limnou is a salty and slightly acidic Greek cheese. The flavor is also described as milky and pleasant.

Facts About Kalathaki Limnou Greek Cheese

  • Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese is similar to feta cheese, with a more milky and pleasant flavor
  • The sheep and goats that make the milk for Kalathaki Limnou graze freely on the wild grasses of Lemnos
  • In 2009, Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese won the Gold Flavor Award in the dairy festival that took place in Athens
  • The word kalathaki means “small basket”
  • The flora and microclimate of the island of Lemnos determine the taste that the cheese will have
  • Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese has PDO status and is only produced on the island of Lemnos

Kalathaki Limnou Greek cheese is an award-winning cheese that you won’t want to miss experiencing when you have the chance.

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