Greek Orthodox Christians really value the lives of the saints. As a result of this, many are named after the saints. The saints are so important, in fact, that many Orthodox Christians celebrate their name days over their own birthdays! David of Thessaloniki, also known as is one of those saints who is considered to be very important to the history of the church and as a result, many are named after him. His feast day is on June 26th of each year. Here’s more information about Saint David:
Life of Saint David
Saint David, who is also referred to as David the Dendrite, David of Thessaloniki, and Our Venerable and God-bearing Father David of Thessalonica, was one of the saints of the early Orthodox Christian Church. He was referred to as a dendrite because he lived as one for three years. In the early church, dendrites were ascetics who took a vow similar to those of the monks of our church today. He was alive from 450 AD to 540 AD.
David was born in Northern Mesopotamia but he traveled later on to Thessaloniki to serve in a monastery there. He served until around 470 AD. During his time as a dendrite, which essentially means that he lived in a tree, he endured a lot of difficult trials. After three years, an angel appeared to him and told him to descent from the tree and live in a cell instead. He lived as a recluse and served the Lord by studying His word and praying.
Saint David eventually took a break from his reclusive life to travel to Constantinople because the archbishop died. He passed away shortly after the trip to Constantinople.
Hymn of Saint David
Saint David is celebrated with a special hymn. It is also called the Troparion of Saint David and the Kontakion of Saint David. Here’s more information:
Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
The image of God, was faithfully preserved in you, O Father.
For you took up the Cross and followed Christ.
By Your actions you taught us to look beyond the flesh for it passes,
rather to be concerned about the soul which is immortal.
Wherefore, O Holy David, your soul rejoices with the angels.
Kontakion in the Second Tone[
An Angel on earth, and stranger to all earthly things,
thou madest a tree thy dwelling like an eagle’s nest,
whence, O David, thou didst soar up to Heaven,
where thou didst find that Tree which in Eden we lost of old.
Remember us all, who keep thy memory.
Saint David’s name day is on June 26th of each year. Visit the Name Day page for more information about other Orthodox Christian name days.
Orthodox Wiki – David of Thessaloniki – Also source for image above