Throwing a bridal shower with a Greek theme is a great way to celebrate your heritage. There are two basic things to consider when planning the bridal shower. First, there are a few essential traditions that seem to be present at every bridal shower thrown by Greeks. Second, the theme can be taken one step further by choosing decorations and favors that pay homage to the Greek culture.
Greek Bridal Shower Basics
There are a few things to consider when planning a bridal shower. First, the guest list needs to be solidified and invitations sent out. You can choose to celebrate the Greek culture by displaying a Greek flag on the stationery or choosing the traditional colors for the paper (white and light blue).
You’ll also want to decide on a venue and whether or not you want it at someone’s house, a restaurant, or a function hall. It will all depend on your budget and the size of the guest list. This is also the time to decide on a menu.
Before you send out the invitation, you’ll want to create a gift registry at one or two of your favorite stores. When you’ve chosen your gifts, let your guests know where you’re registered so they can have the option of using the registry to choose their gift.
Choosing the Right Favor
Next, you’ll want to select a bridal shower favor to give your guests. No matter which favor is chosen, it absolutely needs to be accompanied by Koufetta, which are a token of good luck. which are the white candy-coated Jordan almonds. The standard way to present the koufetta is by putting them in a small mesh bag and gifting them to all the shower attendees.
Remember to only put an odd number of almonds in each bag if you compose them yourself. When the bundles are placed on a tray, they also can only be placed in odd numbers. So, if you find that you have an even number of guests, always make one more so the koufetta can be displayed in an odd number.
Note that there are no rules against choosing another favor to go with the candied almonds. Possibilities include picture frames, chocolates, kitchen utensils, small decorative boxes, even lip balm. The favors could also be attached to the koufetta bundles. Ask around to find someone who could do it professionally.
Bridal Shower Decorations
The final element is to select the decorations. Chances are, the bride has already chosen the wedding colors. It is pretty standard to also use these colors for the bridal shower, even if they aren’t the traditional shades of blue and white that is normally associated with the Greek culture.
You can add “Greek” touches to the decorating scheme no matter what the colors of the wedding are. You can decorate the hall with Greek columns, use Greek vases as the centerpiece, and display Greek flags wherever you can. You can also set up a table filled with Greek pastries, play Greek music, and serve a menu that is traditionally Greek.
The bridal shower is a perfect opportunity to celebrate your Greek heritage. You can choose Greek favors (especially koufetta), decorate using elements from the Greek culture, serve Greek food, and play Greek music.